Course Description

 Selling is about doing a lot of little things right.  We’ve identified 6 major areas that must be mastered (prospecting, qualifying, etc.) and developed 12 short, impactful lessons in each major area.

If you’re looking for the Cliff Notes approach to refreshing your skills or have never had any sales training, this is a quick way to do it.

This course will help you understand what it takes to be successful in sales.  You’ll learn how to have a rewarding consultative interview with a prospect, how to deal with all the internal issues salespeople have to deal with, how to handle the most difficult situations that you’ll encounter and much, much more.


  • Short self-study assignment for each of the 72 lessons
  • Diagnostic tool to quickly find answers to every sales challenge you encounter.

See the course curriculum for all the details.

Jim Dunn

Today's buyer has changed, but salespeople haven't adapted. Our sales training addresses that growing disconnect.I started Whetstone Group in 1992 after a career in sales and sales management with Exxon, Gould Batteries, and Washington Inventory Service.While at Washington Inventory Service (my last stop in corporate America) I ran sales and marketing for the $150 million company. Although my primary responsibility was to develop business relationships with the major chain retailers, I developed a sales training program for the entire company that was well received and successful. That got me started in the sales training business.So it’s been well over 25 years now and my focus has been on developing, along with my business partner, John Schumann, the Common Sense Selling® process. With all the changes in selling caused by the availability of information, the economy, and how busy people are these days, we find that what worked just a few short years ago is obsolete today. Add to that the fact that most salespeople haven’t changed their approach (they’re still relying on the old sales pitch), and our business continues to grow. We focus on qualifying opportunities more effectively and helping salespeople understand that thinking everyone that has a pulse is a losing strategy.

Course curriculum

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    The Inner Game

    • 1. The Four Principles of Selling Success

    • 2. Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs

    • 3. Goal Setting & Achieving

    • 4. Planning: Achieving Goals Step-By-Step

    • 5. Making the Most of Your Time

    • 6. You’re a 10! Now Sell Like One!

    • 7. Selling Has Changed. Have You?

    • 8. Do Your Beliefs Support Your Sales Mission?

    • 9. Emotions & Their Role in Selling

    • 10. Rejecting Rejection

    • 11. Pre-Call Preparation

    • 12. Debriefing Your Sales Calls

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    Building Trust & Credibility

    • 25. The Buyer’s Trap

    • 26. Common Mistakes that Destroy Trust

    • 27. Active Listening

    • 28. Poor Listening Habits

    • 29. Selling To Drivers (D)

    • 30. Selling To Influencers (I)

    • 31. Selling To Steady Relaters (S)

    • 32. Selling To Cautious Thinkers (C)

    • 33. Matching & Mirroring

    • 34. The Trust Formula

    • 35. Controlling the Sales Process

    • 36. Making a Great First Impression

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    Qualifying Your Prospect

    • 37. Common Sense Selling® Overview

    • 38. The Qualified Prospect

    • 39. What Motivates Your Prospect to Buy?

    • 40. Pain Symptoms

    • 41. The Pain Conversation

    • 42. Discussing Money

    • 43. Understanding the Decision Process

    • 44. Getting Access to the Decision Maker

    • 45. The Prospect’s First Test

    • 46. Controlling the Sales Interview

    • 47. Questions – The Salesperson’s Best Friend

    • 48. Eliminating Pressure with Easy Exits

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    Closing & Getting Commitments

    • 49. Improving Your Closing Average

    • 50. Clearing the Objection Minefield

    • 51. Handling Objections

    • 52. Maintaining Your Price

    • 53. Closing Plans

    • 54. Presenting Your Solutions

    • 55. Traditional Closes & Trial Closing

    • 56. Handling Buyer’s Remorse

    • 57. Competitive Retaliation

    • 58. Common Negotiating Mistakes

    • 59. Winning Negotiating Tactics

    • 60. Keeping Customers Satisfied

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    Situations & Tactics

    • 61. “I Need To Think It Over”

    • 62. They Won’t Return Your Calls

    • 63. “Sorry, My Boss Has to Approve This”

    • 64. “I’m Happy…Why Should I Change?”

    • 65. “Your Price Is Too High”

    • 66. Break the Rules & Win More Bids

    • 67. “Can We See a Demo?”

    • 68. Eliminate Your Competition Early

    • 69. “I Need To Get Some Other Quotes”

    • 70. “Send Me Some Information”

    • 71. If You Sense It, Say It (Nicely)

    • 72. The Rules